4th Educational Meeting in Psychogeriatrics

Under the “Program of Continuing Education in Psychogeriatrics” the Hellenic Psychogeriatric Association, in partnership with the Department of Psychiatry of the General Hospital of Arta, under the auspices of the Hellenic Psychiatric Association and the...

3rd Educational Meeting in Psychogeriatrics

Under the ” Program of Continuing Education in Psychogeriatrics” the Hellenic Psychogeriatric Association, in partnership with the Department of Psychiatry of the Democritus University of Thrace, organizes the 3rd Educational Meeting in Psychogeriatrics that will take...

2nd Educational Meeting in Psychogeriatrics on March 4, 2017

Under the ” Program of Continuing Education in Psychogeriatrics” the Hellenic Psychogeriatric Association, in partnership with the Department of Psychiatry of the University General Hospital of Larissa, organizes the 2nd Educational Meeting in...

“E. Lykouras” Award

The Board of  Management of the Hellenic Psychogeriatric Association decided, within the annual scientific meetings, to institute the award “E. Lykouras “for the best research work in memory of the ever memorable Professor of Psychiatry E. Lykoura.